School of Law, ITM University, Gurgaon, collaborates with University of Waikato, New Zealand

 The two Universities will engage closely to promote collaboration and research in the field of Law

·        Law students of ITMU to visit University of Waikato

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ITM University, Gurgaon has entered into an understanding with the prestigious University of Waikato, New Zealand to promote collaboration between the Law departments of the two institutions and greater cooperation in research and faculty exchange.

‘Letter of Intent’ was signed to this effect between the two institutions during the visit of Prof. Bradford W. Morse, Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Waikato, New Zealand recently.

In line with the agreement, four students of ITM University School of Law will be visiting University of Waikato, New Zealand, next month.

The two institutions will henceforth work for greater cooperation and collaboration in the field of law and will encourage joint activities and faculty exchange to give greater exposure to the law students of the two Universities.

Professor Morse, who visited ITM University recently conducted a Faculty Development Program for the faculty, School of Law, during which he delivered a lecture on, Law Teaching Methods, and analyzed law teaching methods  used in North America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

During his visit the understanding was reached between the two institutions that they will work together towards greater sharing of resources and knowledge.

Professor Morse is a visiting scholar at numerous reputed institutions around the world including Universities of New South Wales, Melbourne, Queensland, Hong Kong, Victoria University, Wellington and University of Ottawa, Canada. He is also a Senior Fulbright Scholar at the Native American Legal Research Center at Oklahoma City University.

“We are delighted with this development. We are planning to work for collaboration and cooperation in research, faculty exchange, organizing joint activities such as seminars, workshops and conferences. This will help our students as well as teachers gain from the understanding of their counterparts in New Zealand and will also open new avenues for them,” said , Dean, School of Law, ITM University.