NEW YEAR PREDICTION FOR 2014 by Poonam Sethi

1.ARIES (March 21-April 19)

 Love-:- You will be feeling the lack of love or fulfillment in your life and will dream of, or hope to meet someone special &  something will occur that will inspire you or encourage that wish. A permanent settlement expected in the second half of the year.

Career-: - There could be stagnancy with the status of your work in the first quarter & will want things to change or improve. In the third quarter you will be pleased about a new & promising opportunity or the birth of new talent or career potential.

Finances: - Don’t worry about your finances. Though no big money is coming in yet, you will make money in the long run and your prospects for the future look even better.The second half shows unexpected financial gains.

2.TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

 Love: - You will seriously think about love and what it would be to live with someone or get married. You will want a clear – cut direction or a ’Yes’ or ’No’ answer or a commitment on the part of another. Leading to a tug of war between your head and heart, if the heart wins, a sacrifice will have to be made.

Career: - The year starts with surprises. A new job opportunity or career change. You will be able to handle your affairs skillfully and complete all projects successfully. In the second quarter you will receive a special consideration, a step up or a gain in position.
Finances: - Financial obstacles will be surmounted initially but a cheque, subsidy, a commission or an old settlement is in the offing. After August you will be grateful for financial increase through a business of your own or an incentive.

3.GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

Love-An admirer or sweetheart will suddenly appear,and a very passionate love affair or romance will take a kickstart around the first quarter….if already involved it would be hard for you to let go of a past relationship that no longer serves any purpose.You will have a run-in with a friend or lover due to a misunderstanding or imagined slight over something that wasn’t handled or communicated effectively,a friend will bring a change in social activities or a potential romance towards the last quarter.

Career-If you have been off the path,you’re going to come back strong with the beginning of the new year….expect to hear some good news related to a new job offer.Your success will come through your ability to attract whatever it is or want or need,even if you are not aware of what that is now.

Finances-You will regret a major impromptu expenditure around the second quarter…bt would be a wise decision in the longer run.An unexpected stroke of good fortune this year will cause your spirits to soar.

4.CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Love-You will be surprised by an  unexpected reunion or the sudden appearance of an old friend or lover in the first quarter… admirer will want to see you and will phone or come to call…if you are planning to settle down you can look forward to april or October as your relationship could culminate into marriage.

-The year begins with a lot of confusions around you which will cause you to want to get away from work but it will keep pulling you back….you will try to put things into perspective or perfect an idea but will have problems trying to establish priorities,meet schedules or follow through with a course of action.A change in line of career seen post second half of the year.

You will experience anxiety over the receipt of money or a cheque thought lost but it will be unexpected financial gain indicated in the second quarter through a source least expected.

5.LEO (July 23-August 22)

Love-Problems will cause you to shut down emotionally,but not letting onto what is really going on inside will make the pressure build…you will loosen up towards the second quarter and find love just outside your door….a marriage is indicated around November.

Career-Business and job will take first priority and improve towards the second quarter…ideas for  self-promotion will begin to formulate,and offers or opportunities for work will increase.In the third quarter you would make some important contacts that would be helpful in the longer run.

Finances-You’re going to aquire money through new or repeat business contacts,but wont be satisfied and will look at faster means of making money….a long awaited investment in property would be made in the third quarter of the year.

6.VIRGO (August 23-September 22)

Love-The year starts with a want to get your lover back….you will be in thought of whether there is still a chance to get back together and make things work out…but let go and you’ll be happier as fresh love comes in to your life around the second quarter.Clear the clutter and move on.

Career-In the very midst of despair or limbo,something will be offered that you will consider to be a great blessing….maybe a new business proposal or a better job offer.A change of residence related to a new offer in store for you  around june…expect unexpected delay in completing projects but you will soon catch up with the commitments.

Finances-You will worry about your finances as every penny will count from now till only the first quarter of the year… will have to be more assertive or you will lose out…don’t buy or sell property till the end of the year as you could lose money.

7.LIBRA (September 23-October 23)

Love-Though you have yearned for only one,you will have a transcendent experience that will open your heart out to new possibilities this year…you could go in for a live-in relationship towards the third quarter of the year..

Career-This year you wont have the strength to keep plodding through with no relief or reward in sight,but a new job or business opportunity will be presented that will give your spirits a much needed and welcome boost.You will receive support from your boss or superior which will give you the confidence to move on.

Finances-In the first quarter you will do well financially and could make more money than you anticipated….A business problem will be solved but a compromise financially will have to be made….dont overspend this year as finances will be limited towards the third quarter of the year.

8.SCORPIO  (October 24-November 21)

Love-You are going to be disappointed as plans to unite with the one you want to see or be with will fail or be cancelled in the first quarter but an old friend could initiate a meeting when you will least expect it….an addition to the family is indicated towards the third quarter.

Career-Your boss,superior or a business partner will be a source of continous irritation through the first quarter….but steer clear as you wont be able to win anyway.You will feel disorganized or upset,but will implement a new action that will unable you to detach yourself from the problem or free you from an obligation…a new offer in store for you around February.

Finances-Your income will come in chunks rather than in small stretched-out amounts,and you will do much better with your investments than you anticipated….a good year financially.

9.SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21)

Love-Your relationship is going to come to an end but your love for the person will continue to burn like a lone candle in the window of a deserted home….you will snap out though soon with someone unknown walking in with love.

Career-The year starts with things going unplanned with a lot of unexpected changes and obstacles to confront….it could lead to a promised venture connected with your livelihood come to an end but within four weeks a new offer will pump back life.

Finances-Problems would start improving financially in the first half so spend wisely…but the second half will fill in for the losses with a better pay package or money through an inheritance.Your success will lie in your ability to rise up again after falling.

10.CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19)

Love-In the first quarter you are going to have an unexpected call from an admirer, someone you were attracted to or involved with in the past who’s returned as if to have a last go around or to close the chapter in your life for good…the second half shows a period of settlement emotionally indicating a marriage.

Career-You’ll feel that if you continue on the path you’re on without relief or gratification,you will absolutely explode,and the desire for change will be so intense that it comes,bringing the very thing you want.Luck will be with you in transforming negative situations into positive ones.

Finances-You’re going to experience a chain reaction in money matters with only a partial response at first,and then one thing will lead to another and a moderate degree of success will be attained towards the second half of the year.

11.AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18)

Love-You will not be ready to commit to or become totally involved in a new relationship….this could be because of an emotional attachment to the past.Towards the second half you’ll be contemplating a union of discussing a marriage and will begin to see things in a more positive light.You will also make a decision to forgive and forget the past and get on with the future.

Career-Initially results maybe slow in coming,but you will hold your own,get a lot accomplished and summon up enough energy to do what it takes to get the job done.In some way you will be recognized and rewarded for yourb efforts.

Finances-Financial troubles will be handled effectively,or money that was held up,promised,or expected will arrive and all debts will be paid.A major investment will be made towards the end of the year.

12.PISCES  (February 19-March 20)

Love-Though the worst in over,anguish will continue because you wont be able to bury the past or start a new.You will vacillate between ‘Do I want it or don’t I ?’And the moment you will try to pin anything down or make a firm decision it would change.Just leave this alone for a while.You would meet with new love in the third-quarter of the year.

Career-You are going to receive some important news or a decision will be made affecting your livelihood.This also indicates a happy,supportive and nurturing atmosphere in your working environment.Expect a business proposal or a step up in the job area towards the third-quarter.

Finances-Expect positive changes in your financial affairs as well as lucky breaks and cost cuts towards the second-quarter,and if you call on those who owe you money,you will get a swift reply in the affirmative.


NEW YEAR PREDICTION FOR 2014 by Poonam Sethi