Mr. Sunil Bakshi has achieved his primary goal of putting India on the world’s diving map

unnamed (4)Karina Tourism & Adventures Pvt. Ltd., he recently launched INFINITI, India’s first scuba diving live-aboard vessel. The 130 feet long INFINITI merges impeccable taste and comfort with the highest design and safety standards. It is expected to give a tremendous fillip to scuba diving in India, by drawing enthusiasts from all over the world.

Live-aboards are very popular worldwide, especially among diving enthusiasts. These vessels offer guests all the modern conveniences, along with the opportunity to explore glorious underwater vistas or just unwind and take in the fresh air and sunshine. Scuba diving is a highly popular tourist activity worldwide, with millions of followers. In India, which has 22 dive centers dotting its waters, scuba diving is a new, but fast-growing activity. Diving destinations such as theAndaman IslandsGoa and the Lakshadweep Islands are garnering increasing interest from tourists, both domestic and international. It is estimated to be a $47billion industry, including the revenues from hospitality.
Infiniti is Sunil’s passion to put Andaman Islands on the world’s scuba diving map as a unique, premier diving destination. A few years ago a Thai live-aboard came to the Andaman Islands for a brief visit and Sunil jumped at the chance to be on it to explore the diving at the Andaman. During those blissful seven days, he decided that he will launch a world-class live-aboard with the IndianTiranga flag flying on it, so that divers from all over the world can come to India and learn the incredible diversity and beauty of our islands and our country.
Today, while Sunil has achieved his primary goal of putting India on the world’s diving map, his ambition is to have a fleet of live-aboards, which he plans to operate in the Andamans, Lakshadweep and also international destinations like Sri Lanka in the future.
Is it possible you could take some time out from your busy schedule to discuss with Mr. Sunil Bakshi on how his 17 year old passion for diving has helped him to grab the opportunity of launching India’s first live-aboard and have the first mover advantage in Indian scuba diving industry. He can share his views on following points…
1.      How did he get the idea of launching India’s first live-aboard

2.      How did he managed to make his own customised luxury live-aboard for India

3.      Scuba diving as a sport/activity

4.      How scuba diving is gaining popularity in India

5.      Overview on global scuba diving Industry

6.      India as a scuba diving destination

7.      Infiniti Live-aboard contribution to Indian tourism industry