Prabhatam Group signs MoU with Canadian International Training & Education Corp (CITREC) to facilitate skills assessments and training for aspiring migrants of India

DSC_0293Prabhatam Group, the country’s leading business conglomerate is signing a one-of-its-kind Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Canadian International Training & Education Corp (CITREC). CITREC will provide assessment service under the IMMSKILLS brand.

Both CITREC and Prabhatam Group through this MoU will explore the opportunity    to  provide  Indian nationals opportunity to  attain an  skilled trades assessment  based on  Canadian  standards  before migrating to or finding employment  in  Canada  and  be  job  ready.

Canadian media reports that Canadian businesses have started to recruit workers from Ireland to help ease the labour shortages.  According to reports by the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, by 2016 Canada will have 1.3 million skilled jobs sitting vacant because there is no one to do them.  In the Canadian construction industry alone there will be 219,000 people retiring between now and 2020 and not nearly enough people to take their positions.

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce says that in the Canada’s agriculture alone 90000 additional skilled workers were needed this year.

Canada’s Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC) a government ministry responsible for immigration reports reveals that a total of 313,869 (2012) foreign workers were hired to help ease labour shortages in Canada. Philippine nationals made the largest foreign worker numbers by sending a total of 47,470 workers to Canada. In the same year (2012) 22,281 Indian Nationals were hired by Canadian businesses as temporary foreign workers. The five year CIC record shows that the numbers of Foreign workers hired from India to help fill labour gap has increased.

Canada remains a popular destination for Indian nationals and increasing number of Indian nationals are immigrating to the country for work and higher education opportunity. Number of Indian students pursuing high education in Canada has also seen a drastic increase.

This assessment services once implemented across India will provide an avenue for Indian nationals to have a skilled trade assessment prepared for their training credentials prior to immigrating or working for an employer in Saskatchewan and Canada. The assessment report can also be provided to support skilled qualifications gained outside of Canada for immigration purposes. Through this unique partnership, people immigrating to Saskatchewan, Canada will be able to identify the potential value of their trade and qualifications. The Assessment process will determine credit hours that will be awarded to applicants against Canadian requirements for their particular trade.  If the applicant meets or exceeds “On the Job Training Hours” established by the Apprenticeship Commission in Canada, they will be eligible to take the Inter-provincial Journeyperson written examination upon their arrival in Saskatchewan, Canada. The assessment results will assist the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission in their review of documentation for people wishing to challenge certification examinations (journeyperson), or enter apprenticeship-training programs, in Saskatchewan. Those who SATCC deems to have successfully met the tradesperson eligibility requirements will be able to apply to take the journeyperson examination once they are in Saskatchewan; those who achieve interprovincial “Red Seal” journeyperson status could earn a higher wage, and work anywhere in Canada.

CITREC has  this year also received  an  Honourable Mention  from Canadian government for  its   international  effort  in  providing  skilled  assessment  services  under  the  IMMSKILLS brand  to  new  and  prospective   immigrants planning to choose Canada as a destination. The International  Qualification  Network (IQN)   is  part  of  Citizenship  and  Immigration  Canada. IMMSKILLS,  which  provides  skilled  assessment  services  through its  unique  partnership  with  the  Saskatchewan   Apprenticeship Trade  Certification  Commission  (SATCC),  has  received  the Honourable  mention  out  of  63   nominations .

“We aim to provide the best assessment and training services to the people of India who are seeking work and study opportunity into Canada, and we want to do it to the best of the satisfaction of our Canadian partners. This MoU will help us take care of the needs of both sides. We look forward to our association with CITREC and hope to make it mutually beneficial,” says Mr. Mayank Gupta, Director, Prabhatam Group.

“Further, it will also benefit the aspirants in getting their trades recognized. It is indeed one of our many endeavours to make travelling across borders uncomplicated and worthwhile,” further added Mr. Gupta.

CITREC Chairman Mr. Ashwant Dwivedi said that the assessment services provides tremendous opportunity for those who wish to have their training and work hours recognized against Canadian industry standards.

The assessment service will even recognize people who are self-employed provided they meet the assessment requirements” Chairman Mr. Dwivedi said.

Mr. Dwivedi said that at no time this service “guarantees job or immigration to Canada”.

“It is important for people to know that IMMSKILLS services are offered in partnership with the Apprenticeship Commission. This is not a consulting service where we offer services based on speculation or guarantee of jobs. If anything the assessment service will assist defeat the purpose of un-regulated immigration consultants who continue to damage Canada’s image on false promises of guaranteed job or migration,” Mr. Dwivedi said.

However Mr. Dwivedi said that the assessment report issued by Canadian assessment authorities in partnership with IMMSKILLS obtained by successful applicants can be used by the applicants to support their immigration to Canada either as a permanent resident or temporary foreign worker.

CITREC offers the Skilled Assessment Service in foreign countries under the IMMSKILLS brand. This assessment service provides an avenue for foreign-trained workers to have an assessment prepared for their training credentials prior to immigrating or working for an employer in Canada. This assessment is a mandatory requirement for becoming eligible to get the visa for Canada.  The assessment report can also be provided to support skilled qualifications gained outside of Canada for immigration purposes.

This public-private partnership between the two entities confirms that Prabhatam group’s core stands for making people’s dream come true with a sense of responsibility.

Tags:, , Helping hand for Indian workers migrating to Canada, Prabhatam Group